
使命和愿景 -------- 打造国际品牌,做优秀的国际贸易商和服务商
Corporate mission and the development vision- “To create international brand and be excellent international trader and server”
价值观 -------- 和谐进步,奉献社会
Corporate value- “To grow in harmony and contribute to society”
核心竞争力 -------- 品牌和创新
Core competitiveness- “Brand and innovation”
经营理念 -------- 诚信服务,稳中求进
Management concept- “Sincere service and steady progress”
企业精神 -------- 团结协作、开拓进取
Corporate spirit- “Unity, cooperation, pioneer, and entrepreneurship”
公司口号 -------- 专业出效率,诚信树品牌
Company slogan- “Efficiency comes from profession and brand image from integrity”

用人原则 -------- 唯才是用,德才兼备者重用
Principle of employing- “We only employ talents and attach importance to those who combine ability with moral quality”

企业宗旨 -------- 让进口贸易变得更简单,更便捷,更*
Enterprise purpose- “Make import trade easier, more convenient and safer”

代理服务宗旨 -------- 我们以客户需求为导向,满足顾客需求、为客户提供优势方案并能帮助客户及时解决问题
Agency service tenet- “We focus on customer needs, meet customer needs, provide customers with superior solutions and help customers solve problems in a timely manner”
铎金的目标 -------- 找出“志同道合”和企业一条心并有上进心的员工,虔诚地服务我们的客户,我们一起携手共进,创造珠三角地区较具**度的进出口代理公司,争创行业**
Duojin target- “Find out the motivated employees who work in unity with our company and serve sincerely our clients.
We commit ourselves to working together to create the most well-known import and export agents in the Pearl River Delta region and do all we can to make it the first brand in this industry”